Currently there is no VAT charged on Private School Fees.
However from the first of January 2025 the standard 20% VAT rate will be added to private school fees.
Any fees paid from 29 July 2024 relating to the term starting in January 2025 and onwards will also be subject to VAT.
We would like to give Sarah here in the office a big round of applause as she has now passed her final AAT Level 4 Exam, and therefore has now completed her AAT Qualification.
Brilliant work Sara!!
Glad to have you as part of our team.
Through Tax-Free Childcare, families can receive up to £2,000 a year per child - or £4,000 if their child is disabled - to put towards the cost of childcare. The money can help towards the cost of holiday clubs, before and after-school clubs, childminders and nurseries, and other approved childcare schemes.
The government will pay 20% of childcare costs by topping up the money paid into a Tax-Free Childcare account. This means for every £8 paid into the online account, families will automatically receive an additional £2 in government top-up.
Massive congratulations to Natalie, who has just passed her AAT Level 4 Drafting and Interpreting Financial Statements Exam.
Natalie now has just one exam to go to achieve her full AAT Qualification.
Brilliant work. Nearly there!!!
The deadline for submitting the 2023-24 forms P11D, P11D(b) and P9D is 6 July 2024.
TV presenter Adrian Chiles will head back to tribunal to face HMRC over £1.7 million in tax claims, after an appeal found that the first-tier tribunal (FTT) had misinterpreted the law.
The case hinges on whether Chiles should have been classed as a worker or employee when engaged via his personal company Basic Broadcasting Ltd. Chiles’ is set to return to the FTT about this case, for the third time.
Upper-tribunal judges blamed the complicated legal situation surrounding IR35 compliance for exacting a “very real human cost,” where parties are forced to go to tribunal to resolve an issue that could be clarified in law.
Read more: IR35 offset ignites confidence to hire contractors, says HR
The FTT’s mistake, the upper tribunal ruled, came in its application of one the legal tests for whether a person is classed as employee or worker. Centring around a piece of case law known as the ‘third test’, from a 1968 case involving Ready Mixed Concrete Ltd, the key dispute was whether Chiles’ company constituted a business on its own account.
Upper tribunal judges Justice Meade and Thomas Scott allowed for the confusing nature of the case, and many other IR35 cases, because of the constantly evolving legal arena.
Describing the correct application of IR35 law as a “moving target,” the judges wrote: “The case law in relation to both employment status and IR35 has not only developed considerably over time but continues to be in a state of flux.”
“It’s a confusing situation,” said Seb Maley, CEO of IR35 compliance firm Qdos.
He told HR magazine: “The upper tribunal hasn’t necessarily said that Chiles shouldn’t have won his case, it's more that how the judges went about deciding this crucial element wasn’t right.
“The concerning thing is that, through no fault of his own, Chiles faces the prospect of heading back to the first-tier tribunal to effectively clear his name yet again. It’s down to an error from the judges, which smacks of unfairness.”
Lee McIntyre-Hamilton, employment tax partner at Keystone Law said the courts had seen many such cases in recent years.
"The fact that even the courts can't decide on the correct application of the law in a number of cases involving employment status ought to be a clear warning that the law needs changing.
"Whoever forms the next government needs to act by introducing legislation that puts in place clear statutory rules for employment status so that engagers and individuals can more easily and definitively determine their employment status for IR35 and tax generally.”
Judges Meade and Scott acknowledged the lack of legal clarity's impact on people who are thrown back and forth between tribunals: “It should not be forgotten that behind every personal service company is a person. As we have seen in this case, the uncertainty and financial exposures generated by the difficulty in establishing a clear and stable legal position continue to produce a very real human cost.”
Maley added: “Above all else, this case demonstrates the highly complex, ambiguous nature of the IR35 legislation, which HR personnel and wider businesses must get to grips with when engaging freelancers and contractors. The sheer sums involved in these cases highlight, more than anything, that compliance is paramount.”
Matt Jenkin, employment partner at law firm Herrington Carmichael, told HR magazine that the case was simply the latest in a series of high-profile cases.
He said: “The decision of HMRC to appeal the findings in Chiles’ case demonstrates the lack of certainty in this complex area.
“For every TV presenter who is successful in maintaining that they are self-employed, there seems to be a case of a presenter who is found to have employment status and is subject to a sizeable tax bill.
“The CEST [check employment status for tax] online assessment tool, which is the starting point of any IR35 assessment, is much criticised and often subjectively interpreted.
“Until that point is addressed, you will continue to see the current uncertainty and contrasting outcomes repeated.”
The ICAEW has launched a renewed push on simplifying the VAT system, with a senior figure at the organisation stressing that it “can’t be ignored any longer”.
This call for research proposals is focused on addressing specific challenges within the UK's VAT system. The current complexity of UK VAT, including a myriad of rates and exemptions, not only confuses taxpayers and policymakers, but also creates disproportionate compliance burdens for businesses.
An assessment of the VAT compliance burden across 47 member countries of the Forum on Tax Administration in 2017 found that the UK’s VAT compliance burden is higher than that in countries with a ‘modern VAT system’, such as Singapore, New Zealand and Australia.
This complexity hinders effective policy making and enforcement, leading to inefficient tax collection and administration. In recent years, we have seen the creation and extension of zero rates for women’s sanitary products and e-books, despite a consensus among economists and academics that a broad VAT base (and a lower rate) optimises the efficiency of the tax.
The complexity of UK VAT is a barrier to HMRC’s efforts to digitalise the tax, with digitalisation in the UK lagging behind many international peers. It is no coincidence that the country with one of the most digital tax systems in the world, Estonia, also has one of the simplest tax systems in the world.